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Summer Explorations Program

Summer Explorations Program

2025 Summer Explorations Program Information - *Updated 2/27/25*

To view the Summer Explorations details in a translatable Smore Newsletter, please click this link: 


What is the Summer Explorations Program?

The Summer Explorations Program is a safe, fun, and engaging summer program for elementary school students offered by Watertown Community Education, a department of Watertown Public Schools. This program is available to students entering grades K - 5 in September 2025 at the Cunniff, Hosmer, and Lowell Schools. During the program, students will engage in hands-on activities including arts and crafts, STEM, sensory, and critical thinking projects --- all related to the week’s theme.  Students will also enjoy various social, movement, and creative activities such as sports, music and dancing, and spend plenty of time outdoors. In addition, when possible, our program may include on-site enrichment programs and experiences as well as local field trips.



The 2025 Summer Explorations Program will run from Monday, July 7, 2025, through Friday, August 15, 2025.



Hosmer Elementary School (students from the Hosmer, Lowell, and Cunniff Elementary Schools can register to attend this program being held at the Hosmer Elementary School) 1 Concord Road Watertown


Program Dates, Weekly Themes, and Weekly Tuition Rates:

Week 1: Treasure Hunters Week (Featured Event: Field trip to The Paint Place 4 Fun on Friday, July 11th)

Monday, July 7th - Friday, July 11th

Regular Hours (8:30 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $400.00

Early Drop Off + Regular Hours (7:15 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $500.00


Week 2: Simple Machines Week (Featured Event: Workshops with Snapology at Hosmer on Friday, July 18th)

Monday, July 14th - Friday, July 18th

Regular Hours (8:30 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $400.00

Early Drop Off + Regular Hours (7:15 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $500.00


Week 3: Need for Speed Racer Week (Featured Event: Big Daddy’s Racing at Hosmer on Friday, July 25th)

Monday, July 21st - Friday, July 25th

Regular Hours (8:30 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $400.00

Early Drop Off + Regular Hours (7:15 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $500.00


Week 4: Groovy 70’s Week (Featured Event: DJ Mike Pride at Hosmer on Friday, August 1st)

Monday, July 28th - Friday, August 1st

Regular Hours (8:30 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $400.00

Early Drop Off + Regular Hours (7:15 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $500.00


Week 5: Nature Adventures Week (Featured Event: Field trip to Ward’s Berry Farm on Friday, August 8th)

Monday, August 4th - Friday, August 8th

Regular Hours (8:30 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $400.00

Early Drop Off + Regular Hours (7:15 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $500.00


Week 6: Shark Week (Featured Event: Way day with Knucklebones at Hosmer on Friday, August 15th)

Monday, August 11th - Friday, August 15th

Regular Hours (8:30 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $400.00

Early Drop Off + Regular Hours (7:15 am - 5:30 pm) Cost = $500.00


**Please note program themes, special events, and activities are subject to change.**


When will registration open?

Registration for the 2025 Summer Exploration Program will open at 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 6th, 2025. Registration will be held online (only) via Google Forms. Registrations for this program will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.


The link to register can be found at the bottom of this page. It will also be posted on our Summer Explorations Program webpage, posted on our Watertown Community Education Facebook page, shared through the elementary school principal newsletters, and distributed via paper flyers to current elementary school students.


How will I know if my student has a confirmed space in the program for the weeks I registered them for?

After completing the online registration form for your student, you can expect to receive an email offering your student space in the program or letting you know they have been added to our program waitlist if a particular week or weeks has filled to capacity. You can expect to receive this email within 5 school days (does not include weekends or days WPS is closed to students) of submitting your online registration form. If your student is offered a space, your tuition payment will be due within 5 school days of receiving the emailed space offer. Detailed payment instructions will be included in this email. Please do not make payment until you receive the email offering your student space in the program. 


When is tuition for the Summer Explorations Program due and how do I submit my payment?

If your student is offered a space, your tuition payment will be due within 5 school days of receiving the emailed space offer. Tuition can be paid in full for all weeks your student is offered a space for or you can choose to pay a partial hold fee/deposit of $100.00 per week to hold their space. This fee is included in the weekly tuition and is not in addition to the weekly tuition. The remaining balance due for each week must be paid in full at least 14-calendar days prior to the start of the week they are scheduled to attend. If full payment is not received in full at least 14-calendar days prior to the start of the week your student is scheduled to attend, it will be assumed that you have forfeited that week for your student and their registration will be canceled and their space may be offered to another student on our waitlist. The $100.00 hold fee/deposit for each week is not refundable and cannot be transferred to another week of the program.


Payments can be made via check or money order payable to CITY OF WATERTOWN with your student’s full name and the code SUM EXP WEEK # (insert week #) included on the memo line. Payment must be placed in the payment drop-off box located in the Phillips Administration Building parking lot. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR PAYMENT TO SCHOOL OR THE EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM WITH YOUR STUDENT. You can access the payment drop-off box by putting 31 Marshall St, Watertown, MA, 02472 into your GPS. This will direct you to the parking lot.


What is the process to change or cancel your student’s registration?

Once your student has been offered a space for one or more weeks of the Summer Explorations Program and you have submitted your full tuition payment or weekly deposit payment, they are officially confirmed to attend for those weeks. Any cancellations or changes made to your registration and/or week(s) requested after payment has been received will be considered a cancellation. There is a non-refundable fee of $100 for each week your student is confirmed to attend the program. If you choose to cancel one or more weeks, we cannot refund you the $100 per week hold fee. This fee is included in the weekly tuition and is not in addition to the weekly tuition. If you paid for the full tuition cost for one or more weeks and you provide written email notice that you are canceling your student’s enrollment with at least 14-calendar days notice prior to the week they are scheduled to attend, you will be refunded for weekly tuition minus the $100 per week non-refundable hold fee.

If you registered for a week or weeks and wish to change those weeks, you can submit your change request via email to and at least 14-calendar days prior to the start of the week your student is registered to attend. A change is considered a cancellation of the week you initially registered and paid for and there is a $100 non-refundable hold fee that will not be refunded or transferred for the individual week you are changing. Any remaining tuition paid above the $100 hold fee can be transferred to another program week assuming there is availability for your student to attend that week.


Important Note for Students Who May Receive Services for Special Education, ESL, Reading, and/or Other District Supports or Services:

Due to the time-sensitive nature of the registration period for the Summer Explorations Program, please do not wait to confirm your summer services before enrolling in this program if you would like your student to attend. It is not necessary for us to know your student's services schedule or even have confirmation that your student will be receiving services. Please register your students for the full weeks you'd like them to attend the Summer Explorations Program and we can make adjustments to their attendance hours at a later date. We are not able to hold space for students receiving services to receive wraparound care so we strongly recommend you register your students for the Summer Explorations Program once the registration link is active at 7:00 pm on Thursday, March 6th. Additional summer information about Special Education, ESL, Reading, and/or Other Academic District Supports or Services for students who are recommended by their teachers, will be distributed by your student's daytime team.

Registration Form Links:

CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE ONLINE GOOGLE REGISTRATION FORM or copy and paste this link into your web browser

**Please note this link will be active beginning at 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 6th.**


Who to Contact:

If you have any questions about The Summer Explorations Program please email Debi Cornelius at and Jeff Bodner at



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