Professional Development and Tuition Reimbursement for WEA Units A, B, C
Professional Developmentfor WEA Units A, B, C
The PD Request Form (PINK) and the Course Approval/Tuition Reimbursement Form (WHITE) are located in each school's main office (examples below).
When fully completed, kindly send requests to Central Office, attention Christine Carletti. As both forms indicate, PD and Course Approval/Tuition Reimbursement requests need to be approved by your immediate supervisor, your building principal, and the assistant superintendent BEFORE the course begins. For Professional Development, if approved, please provide registration information to your building secretary who will obtain a purchase order number for you to use in registering for the conference. If the conference provider does not accept purchase orders, you will be provided with a purchase order number that you will need in order to submit for reimbursement once you have completed the PD. You can find more information on the travel and conference procedure form, linked from the WPS Business and Finance Site. If you have any further questions please contact your principal.
For this type of PD:
In-service Training
Curriculum Work
Primary Source Non Graduate Credits
Use this form BEFORE the course/conference begins (in duplicate and one will be returned):
Tuition Reimbursement for WEA Units A, B, C, D
Faculty members can be reimbursed up to 50 percent of graduate tuition for up to $1000/course, for up to three courses/fiscal year (one course per term).
For college courses (reimbursement for graduate credits), use this form: