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Watertown School Committee

Two flags wave in the wind against a blue sky. The American flag is on top, with a red flag below that reads 'We Are Strong'.


The Watertown School Committee establishes goals, policies, and the budget for the
Watertown Public Schools. The School Committee hires the Superintendent and works
closely with that individual in developing policies and practices to improve the school system.
The School Committee also is responsible for conducting collective bargaining with all employee organizations and has other responsibilities as outlined by Massachusetts General Laws.

The School Committee consists of seven members.
Six are elected on a town-wide basis for four-year terms. The Town Council President
serves as the seventh member and is elected to a two-year term. In January of each year the
School Committee elects a chair, vice-chair, and secretary from among its members.
The School Committee also organizes itself into subcommittees to conduct its business.

For School Committee Meeting Supporting Documents, please click here.

Watertown School Committee Meeting Videos
Please go to WCA-TV to view videos of School Committee Meetings.



School Committee Resolutions

Resolution on Affirmation of Support of LGBTQ Students and Staff

Whereas, members of the LGBTQ community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning) face greater discrimination and bullying both in schools and in society at large;

Whereas, adolescents and adults in the LGBTQ community face higher rates of suicide and depression;

Whereas, student and staff well-being are fundamental concerns of the Watertown School Committee and school boards across the country.

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Watertown School Committee affirms its support topromote the needs and safety of all staff and students who are LGBTQ and Gender Non-Conforming within our district.

And Be It Resolved that the School Committee of Watertown, Massachusetts urges state and federal policymakers to support laws and regulations that:

  • Provide adequate funding for LGBTQ awareness and anti-bullying training for both staff and students;
  • Provide for safe bathrooms, locker rooms and changing spaces for transgender and Gender Non-Conforming staff and students;
  • Strengthen funding and support for counseling and mental health services for LGBTQ students.

The School Committee gives its support to responsible civic actions by students, educators and
others who are raising the visibility of this issue and seeking changes in public policy.

Resolution on Affirmation of Support for Staff, Students, and Community Members of Color

Whereas, People of Color face greater discrimination, structural discipline, lack of social support both in schools and in society at large;
Whereas, children, adolescents and adults in the Black community face higher rates of social and structural violence and racial discrimination,
Whereas, students’ and staff’s well-being is a fundamental concern of the Watertown School Committee and school boards across the country.
Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Watertown School Committee affirms its immediate support to promote the needs and safety of all staff and students who identify as a person of color,
And Be It Resolved that the School Committee of Watertown, Massachusetts urges state and federal policymakers to support laws and regulations that:

  • Provide appropriate and necessary safety measures for People of Color during a period of unrest in this nation, and guarantee the rights and safety of all those protesting for their lives.
  • Hold accountable all public officials, police officers, and all those who serve their community for their responsibility to equitably represent and protect the public, and also hold accountable any individuals and organizations that take racist actions or in any other way do harm to the Black Community and People of Color.
  • Enhance programming to provide schools with the structure and guidance needed to provide an anti-racist curricula and professional development for all staff to build understanding and awareness of the beautiful history and the challenges of being a person of color, and of the structural and endemic racism in the United States.

The School Committee gives its support to responsible civic actions by students, educators and others who are raising the visibility of this issue and seeking changes in public policy.

School Committee Resolutions

Resolution on Affirmation of Support of LGBTQ Students and Staff

Whereas, members of the LGBTQ community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning) face greater discrimination and bullying both in schools and in society at large;

Whereas, adolescents and adults in the LGBTQ community face higher rates of suicide and depression;

Whereas, student and staff well-being are fundamental concerns of the Watertown School Committee and school boards across the country.

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Watertown School Committee affirms its support topromote the needs and safety of all staff and students who are LGBTQ and Gender Non-Conforming within our district.

And Be It Resolved that the School Committee of Watertown, Massachusetts urges state and federal policymakers to support laws and regulations that:

  • Provide adequate funding for LGBTQ awareness and anti-bullying training for both staff and students;
  • Provide for safe bathrooms, locker rooms and changing spaces for transgender and Gender Non-Conforming staff and students;
  • Strengthen funding and support for counseling and mental health services for LGBTQ students.

The School Committee gives its support to responsible civic actions by students, educators and
others who are raising the visibility of this issue and seeking changes in public policy.

Resolution on Affirmation of Support for Staff, Students, and Community Members of Color

Whereas, People of Color face greater discrimination, structural discipline, lack of social support both in schools and in society at large;
Whereas, children, adolescents and adults in the Black community face higher rates of social and structural violence and racial discrimination,
Whereas, students’ and staff’s well-being is a fundamental concern of the Watertown School Committee and school boards across the country.
Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Watertown School Committee affirms its immediate support to promote the needs and safety of all staff and students who identify as a person of color,
And Be It Resolved that the School Committee of Watertown, Massachusetts urges state and federal policymakers to support laws and regulations that:

  • Provide appropriate and necessary safety measures for People of Color during a period of unrest in this nation, and guarantee the rights and safety of all those protesting for their lives.
  • Hold accountable all public officials, police officers, and all those who serve their community for their responsibility to equitably represent and protect the public, and also hold accountable any individuals and organizations that take racist actions or in any other way do harm to the Black Community and People of Color.
  • Enhance programming to provide schools with the structure and guidance needed to provide an anti-racist curricula and professional development for all staff to build understanding and awareness of the beautiful history and the challenges of being a person of color, and of the structural and endemic racism in the United States.

The School Committee gives its support to responsible civic actions by students, educators and others who are raising the visibility of this issue and seeking changes in public policy.


School Committee Members

A headshot of a woman with long brown hair, wearing a purple sweater, smiling at the camera.

Lisa Capoccia

School Committee Member

Watertown Public Schools

A headshot of a woman with long brown hair, wearing a purple shirt and smiling.

Rachel Kay

School Committee Member

Watertown Public Schools

A woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes smiles at the camera.

Amy Donohue

School Committee Member

Watertown Public Schools

A woman with long brown hair smiles at the camera, wearing a yellow jacket and a black shirt.

Jessica Middlebrook

School Committee Member

Watertown Public Schools


A headshot of a man with gray hair and a mustache, wearing a gray suit jacket and a light blue button-down shirt.

Mark Sideris

School Committee Member

Watertown Public Schools

A headshot of a woman with brown hair, wearing a black and white patterned jacket and a silver necklace, smiling at the camera.

Kendra Foley

School Committee Member

Watertown Public Schools

A woman with long brown hair and glasses smiles at the camera.

Lily Rayman-Read

School Committee Member

Watertown Public Schools