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Department of Public Buildings

Department of Public Buildings

Dept. of Public Buildings
124 Watertown Street
Suite 3F
Watertown MA 02472 

Denise Moroney, Director of Public Buildings

Project Manager 

Purchasing & A/P

Silas Fyler, Energy Manager

Mission Statement

Develop, manage, repair, improve, and support well-maintained city facilities to provide the highest quality service in a responsive and efficient manner to all our customers and city departments, programs, and services. The department is responsible for keeping ~1,000,000 square feet of space safe, accessible, functional, and inviting while protecting Watertown's historic heritage and city pride.


  • Provide custodial care and cleaning
  • Ensure preventative and regular maintenance and repairs
  • Implement energy controls, utility management, and meet sustainability goals
  • Embrace budgeting and capital planning
  • Plan for extraordinary maintenance and capital improvements
  • Supervise custodial and maintenance staff

Please note: Landscaping of all city and school public building grounds is performed through a service contract with a landscaping company that is awarded through a bid process that is managed by the Department of Public Works.

Town Resources

School Resources